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Domain Modification

Solution A domain modification is pointing an existing domain name to our server where your website will be located. In order to complete this very important task we need to know a few pieces of information. The first being if you purchased the domain name or if someone purchased it on your behalf. If you did purchase the domain name we need to know what company you bought it through. At this point we can finish the process in one of two ways. The first option would be giving us the account information including an account name and password associated with your account and we can go in and change the “Name servers” for you. The second option would be we can give you our name servers and you could go in and change them yourself, whatever option is easiest for you. If we have attempted to contact you and we do not hear back from you we will host your website on a sub domain until we hear from you. The domain modification process could take up to 48 hours to completely update.

keywords: domain modification, domain mod, domain name, sub domain, domain modifications
Article details
Article ID: 2
Category: Knowledgebase
Date added: 8-Oct-2011 1:35pm
Views: 1604

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